Mod Description
The smart standard batteries can start giving up after 3 years so get a new one before it dies.Mod Details
PremiumNo Difficulty

Where Is The Battery?
Head on over to the passenger side of your 450.
Right Hand Drive (RHD)
Open the passenger’s door and slide the seat all the back (well, as far as it will go with all that junk behind it). Pull the carpet back to reveal the polystyrene foot rest block. There are 2 big plastic retaining nuts that twist off by hand at the top and bottom.

Remove the foot rest by taking it sideways out of the car, it can be awkward.

Left Hand Drive (LHD)
Open the passenger’s door and slide the seat all the back (well, as far as it will go with all that junk behind it). Pull the carpet back to reveal the polystyrene foot rest block. There are 2 big plastic retaining nuts that twist off by hand at the top and bottom.

Remove the foot rest by taking it sideways out of the car, it can be awkward.

Fortwo Battery Removal
Using a 10mm socket, remove the nut from the stud.

Lift it up and it will unclip from the other end.

Unclip the main live cable from the holder.

Using a 10mm socket, remove the earth connection from the battery.
Then remove the live connection.

The battery is now free to be lifted out. Be carefull, they are heavy and dangerous.
Thanks to Ian for the info.
Place the new battery in place and refit the metal strap and bolt down securely. Refit the live connection first ensuring it is tightened. Then replace the earth cable, again making sure it is secured properly.
What Battery Do I Need?
Petrol 450 Fortwo
Type 012
12 Volts
50 Amp/h
Diesel 450 Fortwo
Type 065
12 Volts
61 Amp/h
Don’t buy one from Halfords, if you are a member of Costco, buy it there. If not, ring around a few local suppliers, you should to be aiming to pay about £35.