Mod Details
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Hardware Required
An ELM327 OBD2 diagnostics adapter. It can be either USB or WiFi, but it specifically needs to have an original PIC18F25K80 chip, also sometimes labeled as 25K80. I’m using this one. I recommend the USB version over the wireless versions due to ease of connection.
Be incredibly careful of Amazon search results. Visually check that it says that the unit contains the PIC18F25K80 chip. This is usually shortened to 25K80. Personally I prefer USB connected but you can also get Bluetooth and Wi-Fi ones too.
This company claims that theirs works with the “evilution smart car app”. lol. It’s the only one I can recommend as they say it works, so if it doesn’t, they will sort it out.
I can’t recommend other buyers because they will just buy stock from cheap sellers (probably AliExpress) and they could source them from different places. So, just because it worked from a seller 1 time, doesn’t mean their next batch will work. If you want to try and be lucky, buy from Amazon as they have an easy returns policy. Just check it has the correct 25K80 chip inside it and it actually says it does in the listing. (Amazon search is shit. Just because you searched for 25K80 or PIC18F25K80, doesn’t mean it will only show those results).

If you get some knock-off copy, there is a chance it might not work and won’t communicate with the car. Search for the chip numbers above. You will also require a laptop running Windows. Plug it into your laptop and into the OBD2 port of the car.

Once it is plugged in, Windows will search for drivers. Use the disc provided with your ELM327. Once Windows says that everything is installed correctly, continue to the software.
Software Requirements
The DDT4All software can download here. There are 2 versions. 1 for a 32bit Windows and 1 for a 64bit Windows. Just download the one for your computer.
Or you can download a slightly older version that is a lot more stable – here. This one already has the 2019 ECU database installed.
A DDT2000 database of Renault vehicles that you will need to source yourself. (don’t click on the flag below, wink wink).
You just the need the database. I’ve used the one from August 2017 but they also sell newer versions. I haven’t tried them.
Install the DDT4All software.
Unzip the DDT 2000 database and copy the ECU folder contents into the DDT4All ECUs folder.
If you don’t have a folder named ecus, make it.

Double click the DDT4All icon on the desktop to start it.
“Stable Version” Install
The download is from a Russian website so could be full of viruses. So don’t install it on a laptop you use for anything else and disconnect it from the internet.
Click on this link.
Click the “ddt4all All cars.exe”
Click скачать файл (download file) at the top of the page.
You will get a pop-up saying that you are about to download the ddt4all.exe file. Click the small box to the left of я хочу скачать этот файл (I want to download this file) and then click скачать (download).
Run the ddt4all.exe file and allow the installer to install everything to the computer.
Go to C:/Program Files(x86)/ddt4all/ and create a folder called ecus. Look for the ECU compressed file (zip). Unzip it and copy the contents into the new ecus folder.
You can now close all of the windows. DDT4All will create a shortcut on the desktop. Double click it to start.
Connecting To The Car
Turn the ignition to the 1st position so the electrics are on but the engine is not running. On the PC, select the USB serial port. Tick the box to agree that you know that you can kill your car if you fuck things up. Click on the “Connected Mode” button.

You’ll get some text as it connects and then the DDT4All GUI window appears. In the top left of the screen, click on the magnifying glass over a QR code.

You get the option of how to connect to the car. The 453 uses CAN so click that.

After a little bit of a wait, the 2nd box on the left will be populated with the units that you can connect to.

If you wish to change any of the data, you must click on the Einstein face to enter expert mode.

Be careful with what data you change. If you don’t know for sure, make a note of what it was. You can now go through all of the controllers (in green) and read the configurations. Precise adaptations will be added to the site for you to follow.
When Coding Didn’t Work
Sometimes, the software says the coding has worked and all of the numbers and settings look fine…
…but it’s just not working. Undoing and redoing the coding often doesn’t work either.
In these situations, disconnect the battery for 5 minutes and reconnect. So far, this has fixed all of my non coding issues.
I Found Something You Don’t Have On This Site
Great, tell me what it is and I’ll add it. If it’s good, I’ll give you a free subscription.
I’m Aware That I Can Harm My Car If Badly Used
This is not an empty threat. Writing any options to your car can break it or a part of it.
Cars for different regions may have different options that are incompatible. Your software or hardware might be faulty and write the wrong coding. Everything might be working fine but something could glitch during writing.
Crashing Software
I updated my old version to a newer version and had nothing but problems with it. There were errors from missing Windows files and continuous crashes when trying to read directly from any of the ECUs. I tried 2 other laptops and had the same issue and I wasn’t the only one. I had several people email me with the same issue. After some extensive internet searching, I came across the old version bundled with a 2019 database that worked perfectly. Click here and download the “all cars” version. Delete your problematic version of DDT4All and install this one instead.