If the yellow exclamation comes on and stays on, there's a chance you'll lose power too. Check the rear reluctor rings. If it has cracked or fallen off, it will bring up an error. This is the most common cause for the light to be on. However, 3 other options that will...
Kane Harrison
#1 Model Comparison List
Smart's own website doesn't seem to tell you the differences between the #1 models in an easy to understand format like they used to. The old smart brochures had a table of stuff that explained what model had what features. I went through all the data I could find and...
#1 Over The Air Updates
Over The Air Update Versions & Features 1.1.0 - January 2023 - China Only Optional assistant now includes a white fox or a border collie. Ambient light option to react to music. Holiday themed "Easter eggs" on central display. 4 new skins fro the central display....
1 Line On The Speedo
One single horizontal bar on the speedo display means you have a CAN bus fault, this can either be really easy or really hard to fix.
12 Volt Battery Specifications

It's not the easiest thing to find and they don't last for ever.
12V Boot Power Socket

When we go away and have to use power for camp light, air pump, DVD player, fridge, etc., I have always found it a pain to keep using the cig lighter socket & having to have the ignition on. – Phil
3 Lines On The Speedo
Three horizontal lines on the speedo LCD indicates that there is a fault in the gearshift system. There are a few reasons for this to happen.
3 to 5 Stud Adapter Fitting

Although the fitting of these is fairly easy, it is important to do it right.
3D Printable Parts

Welcome To The Future With 3D printers coming down in price and the quality increasing, it comes as no surprise that people are 3D printing replacement parts for their cars that either cost too much normally to replace or simply aren't available. Parts go out of stock...
450 – Add Auto/Softouch

So you want full auto on your smart, God knows why, it sucks.
450 – Reset The Service Indicator
If you do your own servicing or smart forget to do it, you will need to reset the service display, here's how.
450 – Turn The ESP Off
OK, not exactly turn it off because it just ignores the wheel rotation sensors. The ABS and lateral moment sensor still works so it's a lot safer than using a trust plug.
450 & Roadster Stereo Removal
A lot of people have been having problems with this but it has taken me this long to actually get a tape player to check. I have now added the other stereos.
450 3 to 5 Stud Converters
Increase the alloy wheel fitment possibilities by giving you the option to fit Mercedes or Audi alloys.
450 600cc Steering Wheel Info
Can I Use a 700cc Smart Fortwo Steering Wheel On A 600cc Smart Fortwo? Yes. Will The Paddles Work? No. Can I Use a Smart Roadster Steering Wheel On A 600cc Smart Fortwo? Yes. Will The Paddles Work? No. Can I Use a 600cc Smart Fortwo Steering Wheel On A 700cc Smart...
450 ABS Pinout
450 600cc ABS Controller Connector Pin Number Wire Colour Function 1 Yellow Right rear RPM sensor 2 Grey Right rear RPM sensor 3 4 Black Right front RPM sensor 5 White Right front RPM sensor 6 Black Left front RPM sensor 7 White Left front RPM sensor 8 Red Left rear...
450 ABS Water Ingress
History Of The Fault Back in early 2000's, a smart specialist posted in a forum stating that there was an issue with the 450 fortwo ABS system. They said that over time, the ABS controller would fail. It was their recommendation that owners brought their car to their...
450 AC Radiator Removal
Remove the radiator pack as shown here. Just hinge it down from the top... And it'll be free from the radiator pack. Behind that you'll find the air conditioning radiator. Grab the radiator from the hose connector block and open the radiator like a door. Once you've...
450 Aftermarket Radio Fitting
Some people aren't as convinced as I am about the smart stereo and insist on uglying the dash right up by adding a new HU.
450 Air Con Re-Gas
The rubber seals on your air conditioning pipes don't last for ever, especially when you don't use it regularly. The seals dry up and the gas escapes leaving you with no air-con. It is possible to refill it DIY style using a can from Halfords or a similar motor factors.